• B I L L O W •
Billow is a mass that is dissolving the building over time and breaking out to the streets.
It allures people inside and the enveloping atmosphere carries them through the space.
Food Hall & Anticafe
Billow is an atmosphere. Billow is a place to be.
A conceptual project of a third place for an urban food desert
based on understanding the specific demographics and
activity patterns of the neighborhood.
Billow Food Hall and Anticafe meets the needs
of the local community for nutrition, education and a place to be
to create their own narratives.
Site Context & Values
The busy spot
The site is located in business district. It is in the middle of the commercial corridor and the busiest transportation node with limited parking options.
Gets busier
Shift Capital’s plans hope to revive the Beury building. This will add more retail, commercial and residential units to the neighborhood.
Food availability
Produce availability is very low in the neighborhood. Among 40+ stores only 3 offer healthy options.
The intersection reimagined as green gathering space
The city proposes to redesign the intersection of Broad, Erie, and Germantown. The design aims to improve safety and add green.
Food availability
Microsupermarket at the convenient location offers fresh produce and bakery. The «Prepared meals» program offers meal boxes and masterclasses including low income plans, catering, school lunches orders, and more.
Zero waste
All food is served in reusable containers that can be returned or customers can bring their own. To reduce food waste all unsold food is offered to people in the anticafé.
24-hour space benefits
More jobs, Safety, More life for people, Revitalization of public space, Sense of belonging, Foster tourism.
Food hall
A food hall is a cafeteria-like setting where customers can choose from multiple food vendors and dine in a communal environment. Customers are offered healthy meals at the convenient location.
Anticafé is a place where people come as a guest and pay for the time they spend in the place. Customers enjoy coffee, tea and food that are offered in the space or people can bring their own. The space also includes book library, board games, working spaces and terraces. Anticafé can be fully or partially rent depending on the events and stays open 24 hours.

…in search for the atmosphere…

Design Probes
Form Generation

Case Studies
Food Typologies
Formal Strategies